Covid-19 Special NRS Pay Point of Sale Pricing: $699 (REG. $1299)
Today, when customers shop in person or online, the most popular method of purchasing products is by using a credit card. Carrying cash has become outdated as many people have grown frustrated with having loose money that is difficult to remove from their wallets. Credit cards are more convenient for consumers and merchants who get their money instantaneously. Most business owners ask how the transaction works and the process behind processing the funds to their account? Here we’ll go over everything you need to know, what to do if something goes wrong, and why it’s important to choose a reliable credit card processing service.
The first step to cc processing is payment authorization. This step refers to the seller gaining approval from the issuing bank. When a customer swipes or taps their card at checkout, information is sent to an acquirer (acquiring bank) or processor, which then is transferred to the credit card company. Acquirers represent merchants/sellers through these transactions, and they are there to ensure merchants get paid. After the data is sent to the necessary parties, the transaction is analyzed and asks the issuer for authorization. To purchase, the credit card company looks for the credit card number, expiration date, billing address, security code, and payment amount.
The payment authentication stage for small businesses is the second credit card processing stage. This stage involves ensuring that the transaction is valid and that there is no fraud. Payment authentication comes from the issuer. The issuer will then approve or reject the request and send the response to the retailer through the other parties (the credit card company and acquirer). When the transaction is approved, the issuer places a hold on the buyer’s account for the purchase. The business owner’s payment machine stores this information and then hands over the receipt to the consumer as proof of payment.
In the final step, the charge for the transaction will appear on the customer’s billing statement and the retailer’s statement. Approved transactions are sent from the retailer to the acquirer daily. The transactions are then sent to and settled by the credit card company, and then sends the accepted transactions to the issuer. Usually, the transaction shares the merchant’s statement with the issuing credit card and takes 24 to 48 hours to transfer the funds. Finally, the buyer will see the purchase amount as a charge on their billing statement and pay the bill.
There are many ways in which the transaction can go wrong. Oftentimes it can happen from fraudulent charges, rejected from the issuing bank, or the POS system. If this happens, the merchant will often attempt to rerun the customer’s card through the machine. The buyer can determine why the transaction is still declined by looking at their account or looking at the POS screen that says declined. If the issuing bank didn’t accept the transaction, all the merchant can do is ask the customer to use another form of payment. If the transaction isn’t compatible with the POS, it might not be the client’s fault. Some payment processors have limits on how many transactions a consumer may make. Sometimes there will be a fraudulent charge, and the merchant may be held accountable and have their account suspended. To make a transaction as seamless as possible, ensure you have a quality machine when dealing with payment processing. A great option is the NRS Pay system. This system accepts all major debit and credit cards, EBT, and mobile payments like Apple and Google Pay! To learn more about NRS Pay, visit this link.
Submit the form or call us at (888) 990-9913 to take the first step in getting the best credit card processing solution for your business!